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Experiment 1

Genre: Transcendental Essay

Transcendental writings were grounded in an understanding of non-conformity and self-reliance with an emphasis on the importance of nature all centered around a air of divinity. There is also a heavy emphasis, overt or not, on the idea of the sublime, a certain abject greatness that one often experiences through interaction with their natural surroundings.


My goal with this experiment was to combine a selection of the beauty and strength of the Huron River with the strong presence that human control has over it. I chose the transcendental style because I feel like it bet fit the level of respect for the river that I wanted to make the forefront of my piece.


As the waters erupt from the dam, they flow down what would seem to be the divinely inspired path of the river, until the mighty hand of the powers that be grab ahold and yank the Huron at a 90 degree angle. The city has redesigned the course of nature to fit its master plan for the land. What exists where there should be a river alive with fish and birds and algae, sits buildings and roads and infrastructure…. a distinct lack of life. Man has taken it over for his own use, but when an area is selfishly monopolized by one species, how is that really living? And yet through this action we have created what we believe to be life for ourselves, enjoying the beauty of the rapids and the fun that can go with them. Shooting out in vibrant tubes and boats, blissfully ignoring the reality of what could be, of what SHOULD be. For how can an afternoon spent in laughter and happiness have anything but sunshine lying beneath it? We view the Huron River as a plaything. Something we can take from what we want: aesthetic, fun, interest, but abuse it as what it is intended to be, and conveniently neglect to acknowledge our hand in the change. In our attempts to honor the beauty of creation, we have somehow interjected ourselves into the role of creator. The desire for omnipotence that exists in the nature of the human mind has pushed out the thoughts of other beings and focuses in on the plan for what we see for ourselves and the world in a way that only serves us. But the plan of humans is not the only one that matters. If the river had a voice it would be screaming out to be put back in place, like a child displaced from its mother. If the river had a voice, maybe we would listen. Instead of an entity present and powerful in its own right, we look to the river in a self-serving manner as our connection to the natural world, but what is natural about it anymore? The ecosystem we have destroyed and attempted to rebuild so that our highways have a home? The harsh direction of the concrete that the water flows over now instead of the riverbed so perfectly designed to guide the meandering flows of the current? Or the rapid water that pulses with the anger of a river that has been moved and reshaped? What about this is natural? When a resident of the city wants to be in touch with the beauty of their surroundings, they go to these predesignated areas for recreation, but how can this be natural when we are told what and where natural belongs? The word nature implies an existence separate from humans or human creation, but that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, especially not in Ann Arbor and not with the Huron River. Human desire for control pushes us to the point that we even strive to control the one thing that is fundamentally meant to remain untouched, in an attempt to connect to the world around us. Natural no longer implies the sense of untouched beauty it was intended to convey, but instead demonstrates the strong grip of the societal hand that expertly moves and shapes the pieces of the world to fit their master puzzle. 

Reflection :

I had a really hard time writing this sample. Though the initial idea came to me fairly quickly, I was initially really intimidated by this unfamiliar writing style, and I found even just beginning the piece to be the hardest part. Once I got going though, I really enjoyed writing to this and getting to lean into these emotions so strongly. The difficulties I experienced organizing my thoughts for this piece made me want to attempt something far away from this type of piece in my second experience.







Experiment 2

Genre: Satirical Obituary

An obituary is a written notice of death, typically occurring in a newspaper. They usually include a brief biography of the deceased, but their public nature tends to keep them really short and not too personal.An obituary is sad in nature, but often serves as a celebration of life.


With this piece I wanted to expand the scope of my potential project to a much larger scale, the whole earth. I wanted this piece to serve as a call to action for people to learn about the detrimental impacts of human action, in hopes that people would be inspired to learn more and make changes. This piece also served as a level of catharsis for my own feelings regarding the deteriorating of the earth.


The Earth has died this week after a long-fought battle with a parasitic illness at 4.5 billion years old. 


            To say the Earth was the cornerstone of the community would be an understatement. She was known for providing food and shelter for all those in need and had a knack for creating the perfect environment for everyone she encountered, regardless of their vast differences. She took care of those that embraced her and was often lovingly referred to as “Mother” by those who knew her intimately. That being said, she was not one to enable bad behavior. In her attempts to take care of people, the Earth also did her best to instill values centered around kindness, humility, and respect. While she did her best to help people in any ways she could, there was a noticeable negative response that occurred when she was being taken advantage of.


“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” Mahatma Gandhi


            She was a wild beauty appreciated and sought after by many. There were those that would travel long and far just for a glimpse at her most sublime features. Her beauty often came from her strength and her power, something that seemed to only grow with her age. Her allure made her the muse for endless artists, musicians, writers, and creatives of all kinds, with representations and recreations of her likeness spreading across mediums, genres, and artistic eras. She even had a strong knack for connecting people to the divine. It was an infectious strength that served as a great motivator for many.


“Those who contemplate the beauty of Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” -Rachel Carson


            Her presence in our lives cannot be overstated and all of our lives will be forever changed by the kindness she showed in the wake of our misbehavior. In lieu of flowers please educate yourself on the impact of individual changes that can be made towards a more sustainable lifestyle so as it be able to treat our next home with a more respect. 


I liked the idea of this project a lot. It seemed like the kind of thing that when executed how I hoped it would, it would have some kind of impact on the people that read it. Yet again I ran into issues when trying to execute this project, but for different reasons than with the first experiment. When it came to the specific topic of this piece, the whole Earth, it just felt too broad for me to connect to. I felt like I was writing on something that I was not authorized to talk about because it is so much bigger than myself and my own experiences. It was a piece that I designed to put a lot of passion into, and I just wasn't feeling the inspiration to carry it out. I knew from this that I wanted to return back to the topic of human control over the Huron River for my third experiment.


Experiment 3

Genre: Photo Essay

Photo essays are a medium that tend to consist of mainly visual components with some written accompaniment. While the length of the additional text can vary, the focus on the photos work together to portray a specific theme or narrative.


My goal with this piece was connect back to the roots of my first experiment with the focus being on human control over the Huron River, but I wanted to make the topic more approachable to readers who may have less experience with the river.  Including a visual element lets the reader more directly experience the same things that spurred my passion for this topic.


huron map.png

As the waters erupt from the dam, they flow down what would seem to be the divinely inspired path of the river, until the mighty hand of the powers that be grab ahold and yank the Huron at a 90 degree angle


The word nature implies an existence separate from humans or human creation, but that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, especially not in Ann Arbor and not with the Huron River


Shooting out in vibrant tubes and boats, blissfully ignoring the reality of what could be, of what SHOULD be


I have never really used a visual medium like this before so it was fun to experiment and play around with. I went back and forth many times trying to figure out what sort of captions I wanted to accompany my photos, I realized that my emotional rantings from my transcendental piece had best summed up my feelings about the situation and I wanted to explore that further for the final project. 


Final Project

Genre: A combination of Photo and Transcendental Essay


With this piece I hope to be able to communicate my emotions and experiences surrounding the control of the city of Ann Arbor over the Huron River through both written and visual mediums.

To see the finished product, click on the project tab!

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